These are our fur babies, Sugar and Cashew. (Yes, they are named after food, and no, I did not plan that. It just happened 🙂
They make up a good part of our day, walking us in the morning, afternoon and evening, like the good caretakers they are.
They often remind us to eat, such as in the picture above. This is the stare they “do” at 5:00 PM on the dot. Oh, also at Noon and around 7 AM in the morning (which is often accompanied by paws resting on our chests in bed if we refuse to get up on time).
Their favorite thing to do is to walk around downtown Claremont, getting their “doggie mail” around trees and light posts. They hop around with delight if we even mention the word, “Claremont.” And they love a good pet or two from passers by in town.
It has been such a joy having these buggers in our lives. They remind us when to play, when to exercise, when to eat and that an occasional nap or two during the day is totally allowed.
Here are some recent shots from summer! Hope you are enjoying yours!
Kyle, Cashew, Mandy and Sugar at the Dog Walk for Humane Society
Kyle and Sugar with a Horse in Claremont. Sugar’s favorite animal on TV is horses. So this was a bucket list item for her!
Sugar in the garden right after a bath (of course)…
Cashew begging with those eyes… awe damn…